Effect of thought on Health and the Body

 The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operation of the mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed. At the bidding of unlawful (unhealthy) thoughts the body sinks rapidly into disease and decay ; at the command of glad and beautiful thought it becomes clothes with youthfulness and beauty.  We sometimes get carried away by  stress, tension, anxiety, depression, hate and other negativity feeling without even considering that it can affect us emotionally and physically, lowering our quality of life. The mind connection is much stronger than we think, as our thoughts and emotions stimulate the production of certain chemical that influence our physical and emotional health. For example serotonin and dopamine are two chemicals that our brain releases when we're experiencing happiness or euphoria.  A similar process occur with negative emotions, but instead of making the body well, they cause pain and other aliments that  prevent us from f

How to improve /boost your Memory and sharper your Brain?

The human brain is most mysterious organ in our body. Scientists keep learning new facts about its work but still hides lots of secret.

 Here are the brightest discoveries by scientists on brain.You are going to find the few ways to boost your intellect and improve your brain power

 1. Reading trains the brain

Oxford scientists proved that  the process of reading trains the cognitive activity  of brain

While reading blood enter the brain area responsible for concentration and cognition. 

2. Lack of sleep worse your memory

Scientists from the university of California Berkeley have found proof that lack of sleep worsen the memory and cause Alzheimer's disease. During a full night sleep brain remove all toxic substances  dangerous for our brain. 

3. Prolonged stress destroy the brain

 A decrease in memory, ability to learn,in self control this are the consequences that chronic stress is fraught with. Also it contribute to the person feeling irritation,  anxiety, tension and often being distracted. 

4. The brain is sensitive to dehydration

Our brain has almost 80%  water.  There even A moderate loss of fluid reduces the concentration and  vigilance and led to the deterioration of short term memory. And other cognitive activity

5. The abundance of sugar in the diet slow down brain

The abundance of fructose in the diet slow down

the brain and reduces the ability to learn,  remember information  and concentrate. This is because the excess sugar destroy neural connection in the brain. Scientists emphasis that industrial  produced sugar is much more harmful. However products containing omega-3 fatty  acid remove the consequences of the disorders

6. Painting improve the work of the brain

A study show that painting and contemplation of works of art improve the interaction between brain area while slowing its aging. Scientists study the influence of art  on people aged 62 to 70 years old. 


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