
Showing posts with the label how to live a healthy lifestyle

Effect of thought on Health and the Body

 The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operation of the mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed. At the bidding of unlawful (unhealthy) thoughts the body sinks rapidly into disease and decay ; at the command of glad and beautiful thought it becomes clothes with youthfulness and beauty.  We sometimes get carried away by  stress, tension, anxiety, depression, hate and other negativity feeling without even considering that it can affect us emotionally and physically, lowering our quality of life. The mind connection is much stronger than we think, as our thoughts and emotions stimulate the production of certain chemical that influence our physical and emotional health. For example serotonin and dopamine are two chemicals that our brain releases when we're experiencing happiness or euphoria.  A similar process occur with negative emotions, but instead of making the body well, they cause pain and other aliments that...

Cold Hard Facts

  Amazing Facts That Will Blow Your Mind . Human body and mind  The brain is one of the most astonishing and intricate parts of the human body. Here are some strangely interesting facts about your gray matter. 1.    Your hair contains traces of gold 2.   T he human body contains enough fat to make seven bars of soap.Yep—your thinking cap is the fattiest organ in your body, consisting of a minimum of 60 percent fat. This is why a diet rich in healthy fats, such as omega-3s and omega-6s, is vital for brain and overall body health. "Fat stabilizes the cell walls in the brain and carries, absorbs, and stores fat-soluble vitamins in your  bloodstream," explains Brock. "It also reduces inflammation and helps t he immune system  regulate and function properly." 3.  The brain has more cell types than any other tissue in our body.  Unlike the liver or certain muscles in our body wh...

Truth and myth about hand washes; which is best hand wash to use in India

Truth and myth about hand washes  Importance of hand washing  : One thing that COVID-19 has led to is excessive hand-washing.Washing hands with soap /hand washes and clean it with water for 10-20 seconds is a sensible strategy for hand hygiene in non-healthcare settings and is recommended by the CDC and other experts. If soap and clean water are not available, an alcohol-based hand hygiene product is recommended. However, when hands are visibly soiled, they should be washed with soap and water. With importance of right  hand washing Right hand washes are too important to use.... —Which is the best hand wash in India?  —Which soup is best to use?  —All hand washes  shown everywhere are they really good?  —Are the hand washes as it is as shown in there advertising ? —Which hand wash one should go through?  —Am I using right hand wash or not?  All this questions striking in your mind especially during ...

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Truth and myth about hand washes; which is best hand wash to use in India

Effect of thought on Health and the Body