Effect of thought on Health and the Body

 The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operation of the mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed. At the bidding of unlawful (unhealthy) thoughts the body sinks rapidly into disease and decay ; at the command of glad and beautiful thought it becomes clothes with youthfulness and beauty.  We sometimes get carried away by  stress, tension, anxiety, depression, hate and other negativity feeling without even considering that it can affect us emotionally and physically, lowering our quality of life. The mind connection is much stronger than we think, as our thoughts and emotions stimulate the production of certain chemical that influence our physical and emotional health. For example serotonin and dopamine are two chemicals that our brain releases when we're experiencing happiness or euphoria.  A similar process occur with negative emotions, but instead of making the body well, they cause pain and other aliments that...

Say goodbye to Period Problems with solution |irregular period |menstrual cramps |PMS |menstrual cycle meaning.


Are you suffering from premenstrual syndrome? Do you have irregular periods? Are your period unbearably painful? Should you work out during a period? How to beat the emotional turmoil physical weakness and balance the hormones during that time of month? 

As the girl get older certain hormonal changes take place in their bodies and they get a period. Uterus is part inside  a women's body where the baby grows. The inner lining of the uterus  supports and nourish the developing baby if there is no baby the lining is shed during her periods through the vagina .Natural cycle is the time between one period to another period usually about 28days . Day one  of maturation cycle is the  first day of the period when uterus start shed it's lining as the period end the uterus prepares again to receive a fertilized egg for that around date and there is huge surge of hormone  estrogen in the bloodstream which help in the formation of egg in the Mentural cycle. . On day fourteen one of the ovaries releases egg which through the Fallopian  tubes reaches the uterus it takes about five to six  days meanwhile the lining of the uterus gets thicker in preparation to receive the egg this lead to significant decrease in estrogen levels these  seven days before the period is the premenstrual period where some women face a lot to emotional and physical  problems due to the interplay of hormones now if the women doesn't get pregnant the egg begin to disintegrate and the  lining of uterus is not needed that's when it shed out and a women has her period. The next cycle cycle begin estrogen surges again

However if you don't get period for a month or you get that twice a month then there is something wrong  and a lots of external factors may be causing so. For example too much stress, you may be on fad diets , excessive eating of junk food, high usage of plastic dependency on medication out of sync with moon formation of cysts  in the ovaries etc 

Be proactive

PMS (pre menstrual syndrome) 

You probably get some sign that your period is coming . For most women it's no big deal but for others the days before the period are harder . If it is so bad that it messes up with your daily life then you might have PMS. It results of sudden decrease in the estrogen level so you just need to balance your hormones.  First of all no medication please, it might give you a short term benefit but in long term it worses the condition . 

Next time when you know that it's that time of month be proactive, stop eating that junk food outside, sleep proper, workout daily, meditate or do bite of pranayan that's  your body needs to balanced the hormones

Irregular period

Over bleeding|No periods

Take one spoon of radish seeds, 1/2 teaspoon of black sesame seeds and 1/2 tea spoon of bathua seeds. Crush them mildly and put them in pain and 1/2 glass of water on low flame . Let them boil until ⅓of water remains. Now strain the seeds out let the water cool down to lukewarm and have it slowly drink it every morning 30 minute before having break fast, secondly take ½teaspoon of amalki rasayan in hot water or normal water if you get no period or excessive period respectively. Along with it maintaining nutritious diet and regular workout will greatly  help full .

Painful period and  menstrual cramps are other very common  problem face by women. 

If you are suffering with painful period then you must know that painkillers are not the solution. During period uterus contract so that it able to push out impure blood in contraction various muscles of the body are involved . If you experience unbearable pain then it is sign of weakness a sign of iron deficiency in the body . In accordance with our way the paind  and menstrual  cramps are  sign of high water dosha in the body that implies that your body is dry within and needs lubrication. This dryness is due to the regular intake of green tea , coffee, too many dry fruits or excessive indulgence in packaged and junk foods. 

Lubricate the body

It's extremely important to lubricant the system from within how would you do that? It's simple:

 1. everyday oil your navel and  nostrils after bathing. 

2. Oil pulling also a great technique. 

3. Massage the body two or three times a weak using sesame oil especially the lower abdominal part 

4.Head massage at night and sleep. 

5. Consume buttermilk post-lunch 

6 . Start taking two spoon of desi cow ghee mixed in worm water early morning, the pain will vanish. 

Should you work out during your period? 

The answer to this is straight forward  "yes", really periods are that time of month when your estrogen level are naturally down . You are feeling low the brain isn't producing the feel good hormone either so the best way to get a natural boost of dopamine is to work out. Moreover it will increase the blood circulation an easy passage of blood out . Although work out doesn't mean you go for hardcore weight training however you can do that as well if your body allows , otherwise even walking for 20 minutes will greatly help then you should do some breathing exercises, some yoga postures, some stretching etc. Basically a good work out will pull out your body from fatigue, calm your mind so that you can have an easy period. 

Believe it or not 28 days of moon cycle and your 28 day menstrual is not merely a coincidence . You can also check if your body is sync  with moon. Ideally a period should fall on a new moon night . If that's not happening then surely your body's internal clock is disturbed. Just how  excessive blue light during the night disturb the sleep clock so ditch the blue light of your phone and switch to moonlight for your hormones. Just 10 min a night you can have moonlight charged water, don't ignore it, traditionally the hubs were charged in the moonlight to increase their effectiveness .The moon is significant, It's because of the moon that you find fruit and vegetables juicy. Moon alone have power to fix all your hormonal issues, all the anxiety , emotional turmoil mood swings moon is the ultimate solution for you. 


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