
Showing posts from April, 2021

Effect of thought on Health and the Body

 The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operation of the mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed. At the bidding of unlawful (unhealthy) thoughts the body sinks rapidly into disease and decay ; at the command of glad and beautiful thought it becomes clothes with youthfulness and beauty.  We sometimes get carried away by  stress, tension, anxiety, depression, hate and other negativity feeling without even considering that it can affect us emotionally and physically, lowering our quality of life. The mind connection is much stronger than we think, as our thoughts and emotions stimulate the production of certain chemical that influence our physical and emotional health. For example serotonin and dopamine are two chemicals that our brain releases when we're experiencing happiness or euphoria.  A similar process occur with negative emotions, but instead of making the body well, they cause pain and other aliments that...

Effect of thought on Health and the Body

 The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operation of the mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed. At the bidding of unlawful (unhealthy) thoughts the body sinks rapidly into disease and decay ; at the command of glad and beautiful thought it becomes clothes with youthfulness and beauty.  We sometimes get carried away by  stress, tension, anxiety, depression, hate and other negativity feeling without even considering that it can affect us emotionally and physically, lowering our quality of life. The mind connection is much stronger than we think, as our thoughts and emotions stimulate the production of certain chemical that influence our physical and emotional health. For example serotonin and dopamine are two chemicals that our brain releases when we're experiencing happiness or euphoria.  A similar process occur with negative emotions, but instead of making the body well, they cause pain and other aliments that...

Scientific proven fastest trips/ways to Loss Weight |Fat Burning.

  Scientific  proven  trips to loss weight without diets  We all know that dieting is not a fun but what other option do you have if you want to lose weight ? Simple rules that helps you to achieve your dream body was almost no effort and yes it is completely healthy.  1. Add healthy fats to your diet  When you are on diet and try to decrease the number of calories you consume it seems reasonable to start eating such foods as nuts seeds, cheese and butter but in reality the situation is entirely different . Healthy diet digest more slowly than protein and carbs which means that if you eat them the feeling of hunger won't bother you for a long time plus a study conducted by the department of  anatomy and cell biology of the state unt of new York downstate medical Center in Brooklyn confirmed that monounsaturated fats help the body digest Lycopene lutein and beta carotene so include avocados, walnuts olive salmon eggs seeds parmesan cheese and other heal...

Say goodbye to Period Problems with solution |irregular period |menstrual cramps |PMS |menstrual cycle meaning.

  Are you suffering from premenstrual syndrome? Do you have irregular periods? Are your period unbearably painful? Should you work out during a period? How to beat the emotional turmoil physical weakness and balance the hormones during that time of month?  As the girl get older certain hormonal changes take place in their bodies and they get a period. Uterus is part inside  a women's body where the baby grows. The inner lining of the uterus  supports and nourish the developing baby if there is no baby the lining is shed during her periods through the vagina .Natural cycle is the time between one period to another period usually about 28days . Day one  of maturation cycle is the  first day of the period when uterus start shed it's lining as the period end the uterus prepares again to receive a fertilized egg for that around date and there is huge surge of hormone  estrogen in the bloodstream which help in the formation of egg in the Mentural cycle. . On...

5 reason of many people Drink Water in wrong way |when, how much and in which utensil you should has to drink water.

 Two-third of our body is made up of water so for the proper functioning of of the organs adequate water is essential however the same water when consume in a wrong way it becomes the reason for most shocking health problems like migraine , joint pain, weak digestion, skin problems , hair falls,  lethargy, heart and kidney problems the sad part is that 99% of the people drink water in a wrong way due to which they are unintentionally harming their body rather than getting benefits from this miraculous drink so if you want to move right way of drinking water stay up .   Water is most  important for our body without water we can't use the nutrients that come from carbs, protein and fats because water is so essential and beneficial. It does not mean that we can drink water whenever we want to.  1. Drinking water before and after meal.  Gulping the water before and after  might be the  memos satisfy things for you however this is the most worst t...

Side effects of COVID-19🦠😷 vaccine.

 The year global health went local and focuses on the impact of covid 19. Among many important issues, how remarkable it is that a vaccine has already become available and equally how important it is to understand that even on this accelerated timeline safety standards were not compromised. Vaccine hesitancy remain elevated as the vaccine continues to be roll out expected side effects are starting to appear some of the less prevalent but seemingly once receive heavy media coverage and there some concern that scientists and medical professionals haven't communicated enough about this providing context with report of side effects leds less room for information scare tactics to infiltrate the conversation that's the topic of this week's health care.  Side effects are the common occurrence in the world of medicine the reason we do large amount of trials with new medicines like those we did with new covid vaccine is not Only to  efficacy determine but also to defect the side e...

Importance of Balanced Diet and Nutrition for healthy body.

  Meaning of a Balanced Diet A balanced diet refers to the intake of edible which can provide all the essential food constituents necessary for growth and maintenance of the body, in definite amount in which they are required by the body. A balanced diet means eating the right amount of foods  from all food group.  "A diet which consists of all the essential food constituents, viz., protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water in correct proportion is called a balanced diet. " In other words, "Balanced diet is that diet which consists of various consists of various constituents of food in accurate and appropriate quantity according to the requirements of an individual. " In fact, every individual does not required same type of diet. The diet differs from India to individual. The following point sum up the balanced diet.  1. A balanced diet must contain all the essential constituents in adequate amount.  2. There must be definite proportion between...

How to Calculate Body Mass Index and Chart for Height and Weight

                    Meaning of healthy weight(BMI)   Usually an individual who has healthy weight leads to healthy life with reduced risk of diseases. It means that if an individual has a healthy weight or BMI, he can lead a healthy life. On the other hand, if an individual has a new unhealthy weight be it underweight or overweight he/she is not able to lead a healthy life.  According to National Institute of Health , " A healthy weight is considered to be the one one that is between 19 and 25 (BMI)  . If the BMI is between 25 and 29 in adult is considered to be overweight. If the BMI is 30 or greater, the person is considered to be obese. " In simple words, it can a also be said that a healthy weight is that weight which lowers an individual's risk for various health problems such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, Diabetes, etc. There are usually two popular method to find out or calculate the healthy wei...

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